“if you’re most people, you think, Well, that was a weird thought, and move on with your life. But for some people, the invasive can kind of take over, crowding out all the other thoughts until it’s the only one you’re able to have, the thought you’re perpetually either thinking or distracting yourself from.”
推薦程度 4 / 5★
英文難度 1 / 3★
這是 The Fault in Our Stars(生命中的美好缺憾) 作者John Green,暌違五年之後的新書!!!
John Green的作品都蠻熱銷的!尤其是The Fault in Our Stars,不管是電影還是小說我都很愛!
新書Turtles All the Way Down出版前我就很期待要看了~
Turtles All the Way Down is 16-year-old Aza's story.
While attempting to be a good daughter, friend, and student without drowning in an ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts, she stumbles upon an irresistible mystery involving a fugitive billionaire, catapulting her on an adventure of revelation and redemption.
John Green發表這本小說時表示:
"I hope the story makes people who live with obsessive thoughts feel less alone and maybe that it also helps people to understand what it's like not to be able to choose your thoughts."
John Green寫的第一本小說Looking for Alaska就為他贏得了2006年的Michael L. Printz獎!
之後陸續出版的小說,如An Abundance of Katherines(2006)、Paper Towns(2008)、The Fault in Our Stars (2012)也幾乎是本本獲獎!!不但常常出沒於各暢銷榜上,更翻拍成電影!
作者本身也曾在全國電台All Things Considered節目中擔任講評人,並在紐約時報和"書目"雜誌發表書評。
如果單純就劇情方面來看,我覺得這本小說普普,但Aza的spiral thoughts為它添了蠻多起伏的!
就像Aza在她的spiral thoughts裡亂想的一樣,會不會你其實就像故事理的角色們一樣,是被某個作者操縱著而不能控制自己的生活/想法,反而被某些想法牽著鼻子走。
混合著一點愛情,一點哲學,一點劇情,還有很好的文筆跟鮮明的角色,大概就是John Green的魅力吧!
“I, a singular proper noun, would go on, if always in a conditional tense.”